I keep thinking that life has gone back to normal after the pandemic. Then I remember there is no such thing as “after the pandemic”.
I kept the lockdown rules, all that time ago. I carried on with similar behaviour after lockdown was ended. When there were other lockdowns, I didn’t really notice the difference. I forgot that I once lived my life differently.
I became risk-averse. I kept my distance, kept away from public transport and public buildings, wore facemasks everywhere. (I still wear them, even though I know they only work when everyone does it. Remember “I wear my mask to protect you…”?)
I tried to remind people that just because the government tells you something it doesn’t mean it’s true.
I got used to not going anywhere, to only meeting people out of doors, to rarely socialising.
There were things I forgot how to do.
Wear earrings.
Wear mascara.
Wear anything that isn’t the same two T-shirts.
Talk to people.